Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hello blog

So I'm really failing on the updates but here is my life in 8. points
  1. My internship: its super fun in a multilingual first grade room and pretty much the most entertaining and challenging part of my week!
  2. My classes: being in my last quarter and having gone scholastically crazy in all other quarters i get to take things like bowling and aerobic instruction
  3. My job: now is when the freshman slowly loose all inhibition and go nuts (pray for me)
  4. My eating habits: four years on the meal plan has basically killed me and i find chocolate is the only steady thing in my diet
  5. My new car: its beautiful and red and I am scared to death that something is going to mess it up
  6. My summer plans: still looking for a job and mapping out my travel plans.
  7. My plans for next year: Its UC Davis for those who haven't heard and I'm working on the last paperwork, verifying prerequisites, and all that Jazz fortunately my beyond awesome cousin found me housing swapping for her place.
  8. Graduation: its only 32 days till i put on my cap and gown
so there's my little life in short! more details to follow